Gentlemen... thank you for allowing me to present my approach to FAITH UNPLUGGED. 

This journey of living for God is not for the faint of heart. You will be challenged. You will be persecuted. You will face trials. 

YET COUNT IT PURE JOY... Be that JOY... Depend on God for JOY... Spread that JOY to others!! 

Wheel of Life: Take the opportunity in 2020 to do self-reflection. Plot the points. Connect the dots. Where are you under a 5.0 - Where is your life OUT of balance? Where can you spend more time this year? 

411 WORKSHEET (click here)

Get started today bringing discipline to your life and a passionate pursuit of becoming the BEST you can as a servant of the Most High!! 

FAITH UNGPLUGGED (presentation/slides)

Feel free to download this, perhaps some of the verses shared can be ones you memorize this year! Meditate on God's word day and night. 

GIFTS: (Gift Assessment) 

** We did not have time to dive into this activity. Each of you have talents and gifts. You have the opportunity to be a LIGHT in this world. You can share the gifts God has given you with others. My prayer for you is that in the month of May you will evaluate your gifts. Focus on sharpening them and leveraging them in your world as you become a catalyst for change. 



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By giving us your phone number and email address, you are giving Nellis Group permission to contact you via email, phone, or text.